Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Trying to Move Forward

I have been having a difficult time lately.

I stopped attending WW meetings, after I had lost 17.2 pounds. It has been hard to come up with the money for the meetings and pay down the dept we had from my husband being out of work for four months. As well as it was difficult to get to the meetings.

I want to try to do WW online (my mom said she would pay), but I keep enjoying all the good food at the various events of the past 6 weeks, and I never quite get back on program.

Maybe if I write it down here I WILL weigh myself on Friday morning and make up a healthy food plan for the week.

It has been a busy month and this will continue until June. First up is the Victoria Day long weekend full of plans and fun with friends. Then we are gong camping for two nights (May 27 & 28), and then on the 29th I leave for a sales retreat in Banff.

Our friends that are expecting twins are getting married on June 12. Our neighbours get possession of their new home June 17. The fourth couple in our group has a band and they are trying to release their first CD sometime in June.

When things get busy my eating habits are affected. I have to figure out a way to still eat right and exercise while enjoying my social life.

1 comment:

  1. So how have you been doing since leaving WW? Were you able to sign up online?

    I know exactly what you mean about having a difficult time staying on track when there are so many events to attend. Frankly, I go to those things and gain weight just LOOKING at food. *sigh*

    I hope that you're still managing okay, despite not attending meetings anymore!

    PS - 17 lbs lost is a wonderful accomplish!! (But I think I FOUND those 17 lbs, unfortunately....)
