Monday, November 18, 2013

Top Five - Things In My Purse

It has been super CRAZY at work the last two or three weeks.  I have 5 of the contract publications going to print, and I am responsible for getting the mailing lists together.  Plus we have our annual circulation audit.  Oh, and let's throw in mid-month accounting.  Then to add to everything, my computer stopped working and Windows had to be repaired. 

My parents got back from Victoria last week.  We celebrated my dad's retirement/65th birthday on Saturday.  It was really fun!  We had a caterer and a DJ with Karaoke.  I drank way to many rum and cokes and sang the night away.

Of course Friday night and all day Saturday it snowed.  We got about 20 cm of the white stuff.  My brother and I shovelled the driveway three times.  I left my car in the garage all weekend and was happy to just be the passenger.  Unfortunately this meant that my cousins from Cochrane, and my Aunt & Uncle from Mayerthorpe were unable to attend my dad's party. 

So, I thought I would try to catch up a little with our top 5 lists.

Here are the Top Five Things In My Purse:

5.  A travel pack of Kleenex.  

Good for sneezes and runny noses and messy hands and spills.

4.  EOS Lip Balm

This is my favourite lip balm.  One of my co-workers even got me one from her last trip to the US in a flavour we could not get here.

3.  Antihistamines and Painkillers

I usually have a small pharmacy in my purse.  Just common over-the-counter drugs that help with allergies and headaches.  No where near as colourful as the picture above.

2.  Debit, Credit, and Membership Cards

I have way too many cards.  So I have an Umbra holder, and an Alumna Wallet (which is really just another kind of card holder). 

1.  Phone

I am horrible for never hearing it when it rings, or I get a text message - but it is always in my purse.  I also like using it for a daytimer/organizer.  Of course I also have a lot of music and games on it too to help pass time.

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